Find out what your friends are wearing!
Fashion Solver can identify the trendiest brands and apparel around and tells you where you can buy them.
Plug into a growing network of trend-setters like you. See what’s hot and then get the look.
Fashion Solver is a new social app that connects you to a global network of style lovers just like you.
Start identifying and shopping for brands of the trendiest apparel.
Havent you ever wondered who designed that amazing outfit on the girl who just walked by?
Come join Fashion Solver now and start getting the answers.
Discover who the designer is or which brand it is when it comes to the fashion you like.
See something hot? Then dont just watch it, wear it! Score personal style points by socializing with other fashion forward trendsetters: this is the place to create, discover and share your flare.
Get in on the game and have fun.
Fashion Solver, "Its the must-have item for any fashion lover!"